Our commitment to the environment

At the Manises tourist office we have some environmental practices that we implement from the office itself and others that we disseminate among our visitors:

We avoid single-use paper.

We take care to reuse paper that has already been printed.

We make the most of natural light.

We benefit from sunlight that enters the office, thus avoiding keeping unnecessary lights on.

We reduce material needs.

We encourage the use of QR codes and almost all destination information is digitized.

We keep on only the electrical appliances that we will use.

Once the working day is over, all devices are turned off. The maintenance of the computer equipment is carried out by the specialized personnel of the Town Council of Manises.

Noise reduction.

We do not have any device that emits a loud or annoying sound. Visitors are informed when we detect a rise in tone, that they moderate their tone of voice.

We prioritize the use of the stairs instead of the elevator.

We do this both for health and energy savings.

We maintain cooling and heating systems at moderate temperatures.

Air conditioning between 24 and 26ºC and heating at 19ºC.